Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Even Paid Access to ChatGPT Getting Rate Limited!


ChatGPT, Some Paid Users more Rate Limited than Free Users

Users of ChatGPT have reported a change in the prioritization of free and paid users on the platform. Initially, the service was free and worked well for all users. However, on December 8th, the service became slower and more error-prone for free users. In response, some users upgraded to the paid tier, which provided them with five times as many requests and no more errors or timeouts.

However, it appears that the prioritization of paid users was short-lived. Since then, access for paid users has continued to become more tightly rate-limited, with some users now receiving fewer requests as paid users than they did as free users.

This raises questions about ChatGPT's decision-making process and the extent to which the company is in control of access to its technology. Some users are concerned about the unpredictability of the platform and are calling for greater transparency from ChatGPT.

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