Saturday, April 14, 2018 Windows CLI

Currently the CLI is only available on windows.  We hope to port it to Python in the next few months, but for now, it’s Windows only.

Installing the CLI

Step 1. Go to!/home

Step 2. Click on

Step 3: Windows may see this as a unknown program…click see more and continue anyways.

Step 4:

Step 5: Click Next>Next until finished.

You should now see folder in your C:\Program File (x86)\ directory.


Step 6: Powershell

OPEN UP POWERSHELL: Search Powershell in the bottom left hand corner and open the program.

I would recommend pinning this to your taskbar by right clicking and pinning the program once it is open.

Now that you have powershell open you can navigate. For people who are new to powershell or linux commands just some basics to help get around folders.

Step 8: Navigate in Powershell (if you are familiar with basic folder navigation in powershell skip to step 9)

You can see in the image below that currently I am in the “C:\Users\me” this is based on what is after “PS” and what is before “>”

To switch folders or “Change Directory” you can use the command “cd”

So I could type “cd C:” ENTER and I would go to the C: folder on the computer.

If I type “ls” or “LS” ENTER I can see all the files and folders in my C:\ folder


Instead of typing out the full path of the folder I want to navigate to you can type cd and the folder name and if that folder is in your current directory you will navigate there. Notice if you type

“cd U” then TAB key it will fill in with something that looks like “.\Users\” if you hit enter you will see you are now in the users folders based on the text after the “PS” and before the “>” (See image above)!/view1


If you don’t have a key you can use the test key for now.


“emailAddress”: “”,

“secret”: “{this-value-is-emailed-to-you}”



Step 10: Edit ssotme.key file

Go ahead and open file explorer window and go to the folder we have created in Powershell:

RIGHT Click and edit in any text editor (I am using notepad++ but notepad will work as well)


Paste in the following text – you can replace the email and secret with your own information.


“emailAddress”: “”,

“secret”: “{this-value-is-emailed-to-you}”



Don’t forget the curly braces seen on line 1 and 4. Your should be emailed to you shortly after you register.


Step 11: Next Steps

Now you should be ready to start one of the tutorials

Check out:


Github for tutorials and more:

First Project tutorial:

Sunday, April 1, 2018

What is A Single Source of Truth


Development based on a Single Source of Truth is like creating Cross Platform Interfaces for your Technology.

And just like a Java or CSharp interface, a Single Source of Truth allows you to make decisions once, and then act on those decisions consistently across multiple platforms and environments.

In a traditional development model, the same notions/ideas/concepts are defined again and again, will little to no concern for duplication.

Development based on a Single Source of Truth

To effectively use to develop software, it is important to have a clear understand of what a single source of truth is.

A good single source of truth is a Description of Technology which is a:

  1. Single
  2. Authoritative
  3. Machine Readable
  4. Platform Agnostic
  5. Queryable
  6. Description of What is needed


The most important aspect of a Single source of truth is that there is only one of them.  The most common mistake made in a “Traditional Development Model” is that the same notions are described again, and again, and again – and in each place we call that “Source Code”.


Many projects actually have development assets which would make good Single Sources of Truth, but they lack Authority.  In other words – after finding a good Single description of what is needed, the next KEY is designating that description authoritatively as “the” description.

Machine Readable

Another key aspect of developing an SSoT is that it must be machine readable.  Creating a single, one page picture of the technology is a fanstastic start.  But if that picture is embedded in a PNG that’s not as helpful as if it is in a simple JSon or Xml Description of a flow chart..

Platform Agnostic

SSoT’s which are easily read by Mobile, Desktop, Windows, Web, iOS, Android, Linux, etc are better than Single Sources of Truth which are targeted at a particular environment, language or technology.  Good examples of platform agnostic SSoT’s are:

  • Json
  • Xml
  • Csv
  • Xlsx
  • DBs (Sql, Postgress, MySql, NoSql, etc)
  • Google Docs/Sheets
  • etc


Description of What is needed

A key aspect of a good Single Source of Truth is that it contain as many of “the decisions” that have been made as possible.  In other words, the SSoT is the perfect place for all of the tribal knowledge.  In other words, once you’ve created the SSoT, there should be no tribal knowledge.

Because anything that would ordinarily be treated as “tribal knowledge” should be written down!